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Top 5 Reasons to Submit an Abstract to WCN’25

It’s abstract submission season! Submitting an abstract to WCN’25 is an excellent way to showcase your research and advance your career.

Find out more and submit your abstract here

Here are the top 5 reasons to get motivated and submit your abstract today – think abstract, think NEPHRO!

  1. NEtworking: Cultivate lasting professional relationships
  2. Prominence: Showcase your research on a global platform and in a renowned scientific journal
  3. Healthcare impact: Contribute to advancements in kidney care
  4. Recognition: Enhance your credibility as a researcher and clinician
  5. Opportunities: Expand your prospects for grants, promotions, and collaborations

Seize this opportunity to share your findings, connect with fellow researchers, and take your professional life to the next level. Submit your abstract to WCN’25 and be part of this exciting scientific event!

The deadline to submit an abstract is September 4, 2024.

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