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Latest ISN Journal Editorial Selections

Kidney International®

Cutting Back on Low-value Healthcare Practices Supports Sustainable Kidney Care

This mini review, part of a collaboration between ISN Emerging Leaders Program members and Kidney International® to promote green nephrology, emphasizes the urgent need for climate action, noting that healthcare contributes 5.5% of global carbon emissions. It highlights the importance of reducing low-value care through strategies that consider clinical effectiveness, cost-effectiveness, and community perspectives.

The authors argue that rationalizing prescriptions and prioritizing public health prevention, especially in kidney disease, are crucial for effective treatment and reducing the carbon footprint. They call for integrating the elimination of low-value care into broader green nephrology strategies, emphasizing that every clinician can contribute to mitigating climate change.


Kidney International Reports®

[View visual abstract]

Real-world Experience With Avacopan in ANCA-associated Vasculitis

In this post-marketing analysis of populations excluded from the ADVOCATE trial, researchers found a high rate of remission and an acceptable safety profile when administering avacopan for the treatment of antineutrophil cytoplasmic autoantibody (ANCA)-associated vasculitis.

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