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“I Have Made Significant Progress”: Achieve Your Goals With the ISN Mentorship Program – Apply as a Mentee by July 1

Dr. Bonilla-Felix (left) and Dr. Zamora met virtually to discuss areas for improvement

Dr. Nelson Zamora Rodriguez (Bolivia) was awarded 3rd place in the ISN Mentorship Abstract Award for his submission “Prevalence of Frailty in Chronic Hemodialysis Patients at Regional Hospital San Juan De Dios, Tarija – Bolivia.”  

Read the full paper in the supplement to KI Reports on WCN’24 abstracts here

Through the ISN Mentorship Program, Dr. Zamora was supported by Dr. Melvin Bonilla-Felix (USA), an ISN North America and Caribbean Regional Board member. His goals were to publish scientific papers about the success of the Bolivian Renal Foundation and improve his application skills to ISN Programs.

Learn more about Dr. Zamora here

He states, “We discussed areas where I could improve: Writing research articles, training with specialty organizations, and professional growth in pediatric nephrology – in which I have made significant progress. I’ve already completed 60–70% of the tasks we set out at the first meeting.”

Dr Zamora (back left) attended the Saving Young Lives course in Latin America

Dr. Bonilla-Felix commented, “As a pediatric nephrologist and president of the Latin America Association of Pediatric Nephrology, I connected Dr. Zamora with key people to achieve his goals, including Dr. Maria Goretti, a Brazilian expert in nephrolithiasis who is mentoring a research project and providing a virtual conference to Bolivian nephrologists. I also identified opportunities for his development, and Dr. Zamora participated in the first Saving Young Lives course in Latin America.”

The ISN Mentorship Abstract Award recognizes the top three WCN’24 abstracts submitted by recent ISN mentees who have collaborated with mentors through the ISN Mentorship Program.

Apply to the program as a mentee by July 1 here

Discover more inspiring outcomes from ISN Mentorship partnerships here


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