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New! Access the Toolkit and Accompanying KIR Article on Creating a Young Nephrologists Committee

How do you build and nurture a thriving community of early-career kidney care professionals? The ISN Young Nephrologists Committee (YNC) subcommittee has developed a valuable toolkit to help young nephrologists establish a local committee from the ground up.

Discover the ISN YNC Toolkit here

Recognizing that even a small group of local enthusiasts can provide much-needed support for early-career practitioners and contribute toward a better future for an entire community, members of the YNC have produced a step-by-step guide to setting up regional kidney care societies.

Kidney International Reports® (KIR) has published an article on the toolkit written by ISN YNC membersread it here.

The toolkit draws on the experiences of the ISN and other organizations that have successfully established committees, working groups, or similar entities for young professionals.

Access the toolkit now and begin forming a YNC where you live!

 Meet new YNC members here

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