Kidney International Publishes ISN Paper on Implementing Early CKD Detection Programs
As the global burden of chronic kidney disease (CKD) rises, “Perspectives on Early Detection of CKD: The Facts, the Questions, and a Proposed Framework for 2023 and Beyond” presents timely information from ISN leaders on early CKD detection and a framework for adoption.
Read the paper in Kidney International here.
This paper culminates two years of work that ISN leaders have done on a wider collaborative project on CKD early identification and intervention. Using case studies from Taiwan, Uruguay, Canada, the United Kingdom, Mexico, and Senegal, the researchers identified a list of prerequisites for successful early CKD detection. Read the paper here.
A scoping review published in Kidney International Reports last year summarizes evidence on global early CKD identification efforts. The authors note wide variations in the reported prevalence of CKD due to divergent measuring methods. They suggest standardizing early detection methods within high-risk populations and ensuring appropriate interventions to help improve the quality of programs and patient outcomes.
Additional tools on this topic can be found in the “ISN-KDIGO CKD Early Identification & Intervention Toolkit,” available here.
This project is supported by AstraZeneca.