The YNC Expands: New Members, Network, and Subcommittees

Changes in Young Leadership at the ISN YNC
The Young Nephrologists Committee (YNC) is excited to welcome several new members to the team:
- Ahad Qayyum (Pakistan)
- Andrea Viecelli (Australia)
- Anna Petrova (Ukraine)
- Zdenka Hruskova (Czech Republic)
- Krissia Wallbach-Massai (Brazil)
- Wimer Jim Escobar Torres (Peru)
With immense gratitude, the YNC bids a fond farewell to departing members:
- Sreejith Parameswaran (India)
- Tatiara Bueno Pareira (Brazil)
- Siah Kim (Australia)
- Abduzhappar Gaipov (Kazakhstan)
- Mirna Aleckovic-Halilovic (Bosnia Herzegovina)
All have made invaluable contributions to the ISN, advocating for improved global kidney care and creating opportunities for young nephrologists to pursue research initiatives, capacity-building projects, and gain skills in leadership. The YNC looks forward to continuing to benefit from their expertise through other ISN initiatives.
Dedicated Network for Young Nephrologists
The ISN YNC has recently launched a platform for ISN members under 45, the Young Nephrologists Network (YNN). The platform is a dedicated space where those seeking to contribute to ISN initiatives can connect and advance together. Log in to your ISN membership account here to join the YNN.
A Young Nephrologists Network Committee has been formed to lead the initiative.
More ISN YNC Networking and Training Opportunities
Two additional subcommittees have been created for ISN YNC members:
World Congress of Nephrology Subcommittee: to work on several YNC activities under development for WCN’23.
Capacity Building Subcommittee: initiated to generate educational opportunities for young nephrologists and work closely alongside the ISN mentorship and clinical research committees.