Discover Highlights from a Successful First iNET-CKD Webinar on Building a Cohort Study
Would you like to understand the key design elements of a cohort study and learn how to draft a study protocol?
Watch the first iNET-CKD webinar, “Building a Cohort Study: Insight from Investigators,” here.
More than 200 people attended the webinar on May 10, generating a lively conversation on Twitter: Access the thread here. Participants came primarily from Africa, South Asia, OSEA, and North and East Asia regions.
Harv Feldman, iNET-CKD advisor, presented key design elements of a cohort study, and Benedicte Stengel, iNET-CKD chair, outlined challenges of implementing such a study.
ISN iNET-CKD Past Deputy Chair Kai-Uwe Eckardt and ISN Past President Vivekanand Jha shared cohort design challenges specific to their home countries in a thought-provoking roundtable discussion. ISN iNET-CKD Deputy Chair Maarten Taal moderated the session.
Commenting on the benefits of such studies, Kai-Uwe Eckardt said, “CKD cohort studies that have been initiated during the last decade in different regions of the world have greatly improved our understanding of characteristics and complications of CKD. And there is a large potential to learn even more from linking molecular data to long-term clinical outcomes.”
Webinar attendee Takahiro Imaizumi, an ISN member, stated: “This was a wonderful lecture. I learned a lot about building and managing a cohort study. I was especially excited to hear about CKD-REIN. The cohort is very sophisticated, and the lecture Benedicte Stengel presented gave me a lot of insight into planning, fundraising, and maintaining a cohort study.”
Want to know more about the ISN iNET-CKD (International Network of Chronic Kidney Disease cohort studies) or join this network? Find out more here or email