Expand Trial Participation Within the Nephrology Community: Join Colleagues Online Tomorrow for #NephTrials
The #NephTrials initiative is an exciting new series of conversations combining:
- The ISN-ACT Global Trials Focus, identifying and summarizing recent interesting trials relevant to kidney disease.
- The ISN-ACT Toolkit, guiding anyone wishing to start a clinical trial.
- Social media expertise from the #NephJC community through blog posts, visual abstracts, and a discussion on each topic held on Twitter.
Join us on February 16 at 9 p.m. ET for the first joint discussion:
Pragmatic Randomised Trial of High Or Standard PHosphAte Targets in kidney failure,
which evaluates whether lowering blood phosphate levels would reduce death or major events due to heart disease, improve physical health, and be cost-effective.
To access the conversation,
Follow @NephJC on Twitter, type “NephTrials” in Twitter’s search bar, go to “latest,” and “follow” the conversation #NephTrials #NephJC