KI launches ‘Brief reports’
The purpose of the Brief Report format is to publish concise but complete reports that present high-quality findings of exceptional interest, novelty, and broad significance for the readers of Kidney International.
Manuscript considered as a potential Brief Report by the Editors will be sent to referees with a request of rapid review. If the manuscript is deemed interesting but not of sufficiently transformative potential, authors may be asked to resubmit their revision as a regular article.
Brief Reports differ from regular articles in that they should be arranged in the following order:
- Title page;
- Abstract;
- Introduction;
- Results;
- Discussion (no headings necessary);
- Short Methods;
- Acknowledgments;
- References;
- Tables (each including a title and legend); and
- Figure legends.
- The abstract should be brief (3 sentences, no more than 100 words).
The main text should be limited to 1,500 words (including the abstract but not the acknowledgments, references, tables, and figure legends). Brief Reports normally have no more than 2 display items (Figure and/or Table) and 20 references. The study design, detailed methods, and/or supporting data should be included in an Online Supplementary Material (combined into a single file).