
The Core Programs Committee is in charge of the strategic coordination of the ISN Capacity Building programmatic activities. These include the five main granting programs of the ISN aiming to build nephrology capacity in resource-low countries (i.e. Fellowship, Sister Renal Center / Sister Transplant Center, Educational Ambassador, Clinical Research and Continuing Medical Education Programs), and implementation projects such as the Kidney Care Networks, Saving Young Lives and the Indonesia Project. The aim of the Core Programs Committee is to ensure the relevance of ISN capacity building activities, build bridges between them, and maximize the synergies across all ISN initiatives and philanthropic activities in resource-low countries.

Core Programs Committee Members

First NameLast NameRoleCountry
RobWalkerChairNew Zealand
MarceloOriasDeputy Chair (Regional Training Centers Lead)Argentina
RukshanaShroffMember (Sister Renal Centers Committee Chair)United Kingdom
DorotheaNitschMember (Clinical Research Committee Chair)United Kingdom
ManishaSahayMember (CME Committee Chair)India
RolandoClaure Del GranadoMember (Fellowship Committee Chair, Mentorship Program Co-Lead)
Vincent LeeMember (Educational Ambassadors Committee Chair)Australia
ArpanaIyengarExCom Liaison
& Mentorship Program Lead
Brett CullisMember (Saving Young Lives Lead)South Africa
BiancaDavidsonMember (Young Nephrologists Committee Chair)South Africa
AdrianLiewMember (CME Committee Deputy Chair)Singapore
AhadQayyumMember (Educational Ambassadors Committee Deputy Chair)Pakistan
NarayanPrasadMember (Sister Renal Centers Committee Deputy Chair) India
ArifKhawajaMember (Fellowship Committee Deputy Chair)United Kingdom
RahulChanchlaniMember (Clinical Research Committee Deputy Chair)Canada

The ISN Fellowship Program provides relevant and contemporary nephrology training to physicians from emerging countries, with the ultimate goal of improving the standards in the Fellows’ home countries upon their return and becoming leaders in their fields.

Fellowship Program Committee Members

The ISN Sister Renal Centers (SRC) Program helps improve how nephrology is practiced in emerging countries by linking emerging renal centers or units with established centers of excellence in the developed world.

Sister Renal Centers Program Committee Members

The ISN-TTS Sister Transplant Centers Program is a joint partnership set up between ISN and The Transplantation Society (TTS) to create new kidney transplant centers and develop existing kidney transplant programs in emerging countries.

Sister Transplant Centers Program Committee Members

First NameLast NameRole 
RobertFreercksCo-Chair TTSSouth Africa
RukshanaShroffCo-Chair ISNUK
Michelle JosephsonMember TTSUS
CurieAhnMember TTSSouth Korea
NarayanPrasadMember ISNIndia
PeterKerrMember ISNAustralia

Every year, the ISN Continuing Medical Education (CME) Program brings essential teaching and training to some 14,000 doctors and healthcare practitioners in the emerging world. This Program supports the conceptual design of local and regional meetings in resource-low countries by contributing to the organization of the meeting and helping arrange faculty for the meeting. Oganized between the ISN CME Committee, the event organizer and the  ISN Regional Board, these courses establish a suitable scientific program developed to meet the needs of the local nephrology community.

Continuing Medical Education Program Committee Members

The ISN Educational Ambassadors Program aims at advancing nephrology in the developing world through very concrete hands-on training programs, enabling the impact to be well monitored. The program provides ISN members and younger nephrologists with an invaluable opportunity for personal involvement in the society’s educational programs while enhancing the sense of global solidarity and awareness in the renal world.

Educational Ambassadors Program Committee Members

The ISN Clinical Research Committee supports research and education programs in low-to-middle income countries, involving local nephrologists, health workers and authorities. The Program helps implement research projects to detect and manage non-communicable chronic diseases such as CKD, AKI, hypertension, diabetes and cardiovascular disease.

Clinical Research Program Committee Members

The ISN Emerging Leaders Program (ELP) provides early-career professionals in integrated kidney care the opportunity to work with international experts in the field to become qualified for a leadership role in the advancement of global kidney care.

Emerging Leaders Program Committee

The ISN Mentorship Program connects mentees looking for guidance on specific professional goals and mentors willing to help them achieve their goals and develop their coaching and leadership skills. Through this program, ISN members connect with the ISN global community and build mutual learning partnerships raising understanding of the global nature of kidney health and care and the various contexts in which they occur.

Mentorship Program Advisory Group

First NameLast NameRole 
RolandoClaure-Del GranadoCo-LeadBolivia
RobertWalkerMemberNew Zealand