The purpose of the ISN Dialysis Working Group is to coordinate ISN activities within the dialysis area; develop projects to advance the availability of dialysis for AKI and ESKD worldwide; and support the training of individuals from low- and middle-income countries (LMICs) in dialysis.
Dialysis Working Group Members
The ISN Interventional Nephrology Working Group brings together like-minded interventional nephrologists, trainees and health care professionals in the field of interventional nephrology from around the world, with a particular focus on developing interventional nephrology resources and practices throughout the world.
The ISN Interventional Nephrology Working Group aims to:
- Bridge gaps in interventional nephrology (IN) expertise and provision throughout the world.
- Foster intra-regional knowledge and resource exchange in interventional nephrology expertise.
Interventional Nephrology Working Group Members
The ISN Renal Pathology Working Group focuses on developing renal pathology resources and practices throughout the world. They seek to do this by:
- fostering inter- and intra- regional knowledge and resource exchange;
- supporting the development of renal pathology in low- and middle- income countries; and
- establishing partnerships with relevant stakeholders
Renal Pathology Working Group Members
The ISN Transplantation Working Group is to:
- Advise, guide and review, as needed, ongoing projects and activities in the field of kidney transplantation and disseminate their outputs.
- Ascertain where ISN stands on transplantation: assess ISN activities in transplantation and assess scope of ISN’s contribution in this focus area.
- Guide ISN on how to best integrate the transplantation topic into existing ISN initiatives and activities as appropriate and relevant.
- Work as a bridge between the Declaration of Istanbul Custodian Group, ISN Advocacy Working Group and ISN-TTS Sister Transplant Centres Committee by providing the necessary expertise.
Transplantation Working Group Members
Nephrologists, nurses, dieticians, social workers, pharmacists, and other kidney allied health professionals all play an important part in delivering improved kidney health to every patient.
Founded by ISN nurses, the Kidney Health Professionals Working Group (KHP WG) is working to include and strengthen the role of nurses and other allied health professionals in the ISN community in order to contribute globally to kidney care. The group is currently comprised of nurses and two nephrologists and will expand in the future to include other nephrology professionals.
The KHP WG’s current focus is on:
- Partnering with regional nephrology nursing organizations
- Promoting membership by using tools to assess learning needs in low-resource settings
- Exploring how these learning needs can be best addressed on a global basis.
Get involved with the KHP WG and help ISN build more capacity for allied health professionals in low-resource countries; email the KHP WG Coordinator at
Kidney Health Professionals Working Group members
The ISN presents awards that acknowledge exceptional contributions to nephrology at the World Congress of Nephrology (WCN) and at regional events.
Awards Committee Members
First Name | Last Name | Role | Country |
Marcello | Tonelli | Chair | Canada |
Fatiu | Arogundade | ExCom Member | Nigeria |
Liz | Lightstone | ExCom Member | UK |
Hyeong Cheon | Park | Council Member | South Korea |
Maria Jose | Soler | Council Member | Spain |
Alessia | Fornoni | ISN Member | USA |
Magdalena | Madero | ISN Member | Mexico |
Motoko | Yanagita | AKI Expert | Japan |
In early 2007, the ISN created the Young Nephrologists Committee (YNC) to help better engage its talented younger members in shaping the future of the Society. The mission of the YNC is to evaluate and understand the needs of young physicians and scientists in order to develop education, research, professional development and leadership opportunities within the Society tailored specifically to their needs. The Committee consists of a core group of members, representing the various geographic regions of the ISN.
Members of the group develop coherent programs of activities designed to speak to all early career stage nephrologists currently in the ISN (approximately 20% of the society’s membership), as well as to attract new junior nephrologists to the society.
If you would like to learn more about this group, please contact Miguel Gallardo, or connect with us on facebook.
Young Nephrologists Committee Members
The purpose of the ISN Renal Disaster Preparedness Working Group (RDPWG) is to formulate preparedness plans for situations where there is disruption in the delivery of renal related services in a region and to guide ISN in its advisory role in such situations.
Renal Disaster Preparedness Working Group Members
Members of the Nominating Committee consult with the nephrology community in their region, particularly the Regional Boards, affiliated societies and Councillors, to bring forward names of candidates for each open seat for President-Elect and Regional Board Deputy Chairs/Councillors.
Please see below chair and members of the 2024-25 ISN Nominating Committee.
Nominating Committee Members
First Name | Last Name | Role | Secondary Role | Country |
Adeera | Levin | Chair | Canada | |
Ahmed | Twahir | Member | Africa representative | Kenya |
Halima | Resic | Member | Eastern & Central Europe representative | Bosnia & Herzegovina |
Maria Carlota | González-Bedat | Member | Latin America representative | Uruguay |
Ali | Abu-Alfa | Member | Middle East representative | Lebanon |
Elena | Zakharova | Member | NIS & Russia representative | Russia |
Lori-Ann | Fisher | Member | North America and the Caribbean representative | Jamaica |
Wei | Chen | Member | North & East Asia representative | China |
Talerngsak | Kanjanabuch | Member | OSEA representative | Thailand |
Vivek | Kumar | Member | South Asia representative | India |
Maria | Jose Soler | Member | Western Europe representative | Spain |
Agnes | Fogo | Past-President | USA |