Regional Board Activities

CME in Nigeria celebrates 25 years of Nigerian Society of Nephrology

The Nigerian Association of Nephrology joined forces with the ISN to organize a Continuing Medical Education course (CME) in Abuja, Nigeria from January 30 to February 6, 2013. The meeting coincided with the society's 25th anniversary this year. Celebrations began with a press conference on January 30, 2013 followed by walk for life and an awareness...

CME meeting Douala, Cameroon

After much activity through the ISN Grant Programs in recent years, a Continuing Medical Education (CME) course was organized in Douala Cameroon by Gloria Ashuntantang, on behalf of the Cameroon Society of Nephrology. The meeting took place from November 23 to 25, 2012. Participants not only came from Cameroon but also from many other countries...

CME meeting Douala, Cameroon

After much activity through the ISN Global Outreach Program in recent years, a Continuing Medical Education (CME) course was organized in Douala Cameroon by Gloria Ashuntantang, on behalf of the Cameroon Society of Nephrology. The meeting took place from November 23 to 25, 2012. Participants not only came from Cameroon but also from many other...

Cameroon welcomes Educational Ambassador for interventional nephrology course

Being an ISN Educational Ambassador is a rewarding experience for ISN members and local doctors in developing countries. Participants feel they are sharing what they know while contributing to change in nephrology. "It was great to watch residents carry out ultrasounds on their own patients at the end of the course," says Charles O'Neill...

Cameroon welcomes Educational Ambassador for interventional nephrology course

Being an ISN Educational Ambassador is a rewarding experience for ISN members and local doctors in developing countries. Participants feel they are sharing what they know while contributing to change in nephrology. "It was great to watch residents carry out ultrasounds on their own patients at the end of the course," says Charles O'Neill...

Back to cooler temperatures – returning from AFRAN Congress in Ghana

An ISN Blog Entry penned by 2011-2013 ISN President John Feehally. Another of those temperature changes which I have got used to as ISN President. It was 3C° when I left home in England and 30 degrees warmer when I  arrived in Accra, Ghana  for the biennial  AFRAN (African Association of Nephrology) Congress, February...

Visiting the Madras Medical College in India

This is an ISN Blog entry written by 2011-2013 ISN President John Feehally. I recently returned from an inspiring trip to India. The complexity of medicine presented to me at the Madras Medical College was highly challenging and the fellows were outstanding. Articulate and knowledgeable and a credit to the Indian training systems. I enjoyed...