The Council is composed of Regional Board Chairs and Deputy Chairs from each of the ten ISN regions. It works alongside the Executive Committee to determine effective policies, strategy, and governance to carry out ISN’s mission.
Our current council consists of 21 members – the president, and chairs and deputy chairs of each of the 10 ISN regional boards
Meet the members of the Council (2025-2027):
Eastern and Central Europe
Middle East
NIS & Russia
North America & The Caribbean
North & East Asia
Oceania & South East Asia
Western Europe
Fatiu Abiola Arogundade
Fatiu Abiola Arogundade
Professor Fatiu Abiola Arogundade; MBBS (Lagos), FMCP, ISN Fellow, FWACP, FRCP Edin, FRCP (London). He had his basic medical degree from the College of Medicine, University of Lagos and postgraduate training at the Obafemi Awolowo University Teaching Hospitals Complex, Ile-Ife. Professor Arogundade was promoted to the grade of Professor of Medicine and Nephrology at the Obafemi Awolowo University in October, 2011. He is also a Honorary Consultant Physician / Nephrologist to the Obafemi Awolowo University Teaching Hospitals Complex, Ile-Ife, Nigeria.
His research interests are in general nephrology and renal replacement therapies. He had studied aetiopathogenesis and epidemiology of CKD in Nigeria looking at contributions of HIV, Hydrocarbons and Sickle Cell Disease. He has also studied different aspects of CKD including challenges and prospects of CAPD and kidney transplantation in Nigeria. He is currently examining modalities for retarding progression of CKD in Sickle Cell Disease and genomics of kidney disease in Africa. He has about 100 publications including 7 chapters in books. He is a reviewer to several journals and the Editor of Journal of Clinical Sciences and editorial adviser to Tropical Journal of Nephrology. He attended almost all WCNs since Berlin 2003 and was a member of the organising committee of WCN 2015 held in Cape Town, South Africa. He has served in SRC, HD, YNC and African regional committees of ISN and he is currently a member of Educational Ambassadors committee and African Regional Board.
He served as the Vice-Dean, Faculty of Clinical Sciences, Obafemi Awolowo University between 2011 and 2013. He is the Chairman and Chief Examiner of the Faculty of Internal Medicine, National Postgraduate Medical College of Nigeria, Past Secretary / Treasurer to African Association of Nephrology, President of Nigerian Association of Nephrology and President of Transplant Association of Nigeria. He has mentored about 35 postgraduate students. He is married with children and his hobbies include travelling and reading.
Sanjin Rački
Sanjin Rački
I was born in Rijeka, Croatia in 1964. I graduated at the Faculty of Medicine in Rijeka in 1990. I completed my postgraduate studies in Rijeka, and part of my specialist training in Vienna. My area of scientific interest is nephrology, especially dialysis and kidney transplantation. In the last 20 years, I have published a total of 350 scientific and professional papers. I actively participated in all congresses of the Croatian Society for Nephrology, Dialysis and Transplantation, of which I was president for 4 years. I was an invited lecturer and chair of plenary sessions of a large number of nephrology meetings and conferences. I have given about 50 invited lectures at international conferences and about 200 invited lectures at domestic conferences. I am a founder and current president of the distinguished national symposium “DiaTransplant”, which is held every 3 years.
I have led 18 international clinical trials as principal investigator at the home institution. Since 2005 I have been a reviewer in 10 scientific journals and a member of the editorial board in 3 journals. Since 2016, I have been a full member of the Croatian Academy of Medical Sciences. I have received several awards and recognitions for my scientific work. I was a mentor of 10 qualifying papers, editor of 2 university textbooks and author of 11 chapters in books. Since 2001, I have been the head of the Department of Nephrology, Dialysis and Kidney Transplantation at the Clinical Hospital Center Rijeka and a full professor at the Department of Internal Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, University of Rijeka. Currently, I am a Board member of the Croatian Medical Association in Rijeka, Croatian Society for Nephrology, Dialysis and Transplantation and Croatian Obesity Society and member of the several Boards of the International Associations – International Society of Nephrology (Eastern and Central Europe Regional Board), Balkan Association of Nephrology, Dialysis and Artificial Organs (BANTAO) and Mediterranean Kidney Society.
Lori-Ann Fisher
Lori-Ann Fisher
Dr. Lori-Ann Fisher is a Consultant Nephrologist and Intensivist at the University Hospital of the West Indies, Mona Jamaica. She is an Honorary Lecturer in the Epidemiology Research Unit of Caribbean Institute of Health and is an Associate Lecturer in the Department of Medicine at the University of the West Indies, Mona.
She completed her medical degree at the University of the West Indies, Mona in Jamaica. She completed and chief residency at the Medstar Good Samaritan Hospital and fellowship training in nephrology in Johns Hopkins Hospital and critical care medicine in Montefiore Medical Centre. She returned to Jamaica, with an interest to improve quality of care in persons living with kidney disease in the Caribbean and improve the awareness of kidney disease in the region. She has engaged with local advocacy groups to improve knowledge of and awareness of kidney disease and through social media campaigns, podcasts, engagement in local and regional conferences in addition to media appearances. She has organized and been a part of screening for hypertension and kidney disease locally. Her interests include the epidemiology of kidney disease and its risk factors in the Caribbean, lupus nephritis and sickle cell nephropathy.
Mohamed Salah
Mohamed Salah
- 30 May 2021 – till present
- Dean of the national institute of urology and nephrology
- August 2020 – May 2021.
- Head of internal medicine, Nephrology & Kidney Transplantation departments at the National Institute of Urology and Nephrology.
- April 2017 – August 2020
- Professor of internal medicine and Nephrology at the National Institute of Urology & Nephrology
- June 2021 – till present
- Secretary general of the Egyptian society of nephrology and transplantation
- Nov. 1996 M.B.B.cH: Faculty of Medicine Cairo University (KASR Al AINI)
- Nov. 2001 M.SC Faculty of Medicine Cairo University (KASR Al AINI).
- 2003 total quality management (TQM) scholarship from THE AMERICAN UNIVERSITY IN CAIRO.
- Nov. 2005 Egyptian Board of Nephrology.
- Nov. 2006 m.d. of internal medicine from Al AZHAR University
- 2012 high impact presentation by Dale Carnegie Institute in Egypt.
- 2019-2021 Diploma of contemporary hospital management by general organization of teaching hospitals and institute (GoTHI).
- 2020-2021 Egypt clinical scholars research training program (ECSRT) from Harvard medical school with collaboration of Egyptian ministry of health.
Bassam Saeed
Bassam Saeed
Current positions and appointments
- Consultant Pediatric Nephrologist at Farah Association for Child with Kidney Disease in Syria
- Founder and current President of Farah Association for Child with Kidney Disease in Syria (2013 to date)
- Deputy Chair of the ISN Middle East Regional Board 2023-2025
- Council Member of the ISN 2023-2025
- Member of the ISN Continuing Medical Education Committee (2022 – 2024)
- Representative of Syria in the ISN Middle East Regional Board. (2014 to date).
- Past president of the Middle East Society for Organ Transplantation (MESOT).
- Founder of the 1st Pediatric nephrology fellowship program in Syria in Nov. 2003
- Founder of Pediatric Nephrology Department & Pediatric Dialysis Unit & pediatric Kidney transplant program at Surgical Kidney Hospital / Damascus / Syria / in February 2002
- Member of the Declaration of Istanbul Custodian Group (DICG)
- Member of the Honorary Committee of the Advanced International Training Course in Transplant Procurement Management. TPM-DTI Foundation. Barcelona – Spain
- Founding member of the World Academy of Medical, Biomedical, and Ethical Sciences
- Country Liaison representing Syria in The Transplantation Society (TTS).
- Regional Representative of the Middle East/Africa region in the KDIGO
- Associate Editor of Experimental and Clinical Transplantation (ECT) Journal.
- Founder of the MESOT Fellowship Program
- Participant and Signatory to the final statement issued by the Pontifical Academy of Sciences (PAS) during the Vatican Summit on Organ Trafficking and Transplant Tourism held at the Vatican on February 7-8, 2017
- Editorial Board member and reviewer in many journals
- 1984: MD, Doctor of Medicine / Damascus University / Syria
- 1987: Master’s degree in Pediatrics / Damascus University/ Children Hospital 1993: Doctorate Degree in Pediatrics / Rene Descartes University / Paris / France
- 1994: Fellowship in Pediatric Nephrology / Claude Bernard University / Lyon / France 2015: Honorary Fellowship / The Royal College of Physicians / Edinburg (FRCP
Maria Jose Soler
Maria Jose Soler
Dra. MJosé Soler is Chief of the Clinical Nephrology and dialysis Unit at the Vall d´Hebron Hospital and directs projects of research focused on both clinical and experimental diabetic nephropathy. H-Index 47. After finishing her specialization as a Clinical Nephrologist at the Hospital del Mar (Autonomous University of Barcelona) a period of training as “Postdoctoral Research Fellow” at Northwestern University in Chicago IL (period 2 years, 2005-2006). In 2007 she successfully defended her PhD thesis – Experimental diabetic nephropathy and angiotensin 2 converting enzyme”, with an extraordinary award. Later, she joined the Nephrology Service at the Hospital del Mar. Currently she is the Head of Clinical Nephrology and Dialysis Unit of Nephrology Department at Hospital Universitari Vall d´Hebron. Member of the Research Group on kidney diseases (GREN) and principal investigator of projects focused on Diabetic Nephropathy. She has established collaborations with different Research groups both nationally and internationally: CARDIO-ISQ-IDIBAPS, IRB Lleida, CUN Pamplona, Cardiovascular Research Institute Northwestern University (Chicago), Toronto General Hospital Research Institute (Canada), Mayo Clinic in Rochester (Minnesota), LMU Munich, Germany. among others. She has supervised 7 theses doctoral. 2 of them with European Mention and 4 of them with maximum score, excellent/cum laude. She also directed 7 dissertations and 4 final degree projects. She has been consecutively funded by ICSIII for more than 15 years, the result of this work have also been communications in congresses of national and international character: American Society of Nephrology (ASN), European Society of Nephrology (ERA_EDTA) and the Spanish Society of Nephrology (SEN)…. She has participated in the creation of the European clinical practice guidelines for Diabetic Nephropathy: “Clinical Practice Guideline on management of patients with diabetes and chronic kidney disease stage 3b or higher”. She has been part of the more known international and national (SCN, SEN) scientific Nephrology societies (ASN, ERA-EDTA, EDNSG, EFSD). She was co-Chair of the WP3 “Improving the outcomes of diabetic kidney disease” in the “Chronic kidney Disease” program from REDINREN (RD16/0009/0013). She is currently Principal Investigator within the RICORS2040 (KIDNEY DISEASE) network (RD21/0005/0016). She has been an elected member of the ERA-EDTA (European Renal Association-European Transplant and Dialysis Association) Council, former EDTA-flash editor-in-chief, former member of the ERA-EDTA ENP Committee and former member of the ERA-EDTA Press Validation Committee (2018-2020). Chair of the ERA-EDTA Abstract Validation Committee (February 2019-). She is a member of the Executive Committee of the Spanish Society of Nephrology 2021- and elected vice-president of the Spanish Society of Nephrology. She has been a member of Kidney News (American Society of Nephrology) from 2020-2022. She is editor of the CKJ (Clinical Kidney Journal) since 2015 and of the BMC Nephrology since 2017. She was editor-in-chief of the Clinical Kidney Journal (2022).
Carmen Tzanno-Martins
Carmen Tzanno-Martins
After my graduation, I did a specialization and PhD in Nephrology. Then, I’ve worked as a research doctor in Immunology and Nephrology at the Medical School of University of São Paulo (FMUSP) for almost 14 years. During my stay, I mentored many medical school undergraduate students. At this time, I’ve developed works in areas such experimental transplantation, chronic kidney disease as secondary immunodeficiency cause and immunomodulatory effects of PTH and vitamin D.
My experience in several fields of nephrological knowledge and an MBA in Health Management allowed me to open clinics to assist patients with CKD, providing hemodialysis, hemodiafiltration, daily dialysis, incremental dialysis and peritoneal dialysis services. At my clinics, I also provided care for patients with acute renal failure. Simultaneously, I worked in my office with emphasis on prevention of CKD and care of renal patients. In the meantime, I founded the Google Group Nefroforum, which brings together more than 800 Brazilian nephrologists to exchange experiences and knowledge. I’ve returned to FMUSP when I was offered the coordination of the Public Dialysis Unit II/Osasco. In this position, I stayed for two years, and expanded my management activities of dialysis clinics, giving advice and classes on the subject.
Few years ago, I accepted the challenge of being the President of the Brazilian Society of Nephrology (BSN), where my main goals were educational and social activities and health policy. The good results obtained led to my re-election. After that, I was chosen vice-president of SLANH and I was accepted as a member of Clinical Research Committee of the ISN.
Recently, I was elected Director of the BSN Department of Education and Certification and I have expanded my interests in home dialysis to fields such as administration and palliative care. Currently, I am also dedicated to the study of aging and neurological changes in patients on dialysis, in partnership with the Laboratory of Neuropharmacology (ICB-USP).
Larisa Prikhodina
Larisa Prikhodina
Dr. Larisa Prikhodina is Professor of Pediatrics and Head Researcher of the Department of Inherited & Acquired Kidney Diseases, Research & Clinical Institute for Pediatrics n. a. acad. Y.E. Veltishev, Pirogov Russian National Research Medical University and Department of Pediatrics, Russian Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education, Moscow, Russia. She received her M.D. in 1994 at Pirogov Russian National Research Medical University. She performed scholarships in pediatric nephrology at the Institute of Child Health and Great Ormond Street Hospital, London, the UK, the Hannover Kinderklinic, Germany and Hospital Katholieke University, Leuven, Belgium.
Her research interests include the genetic basis of steroid-resistant nephrotic syndrome and hereditary kidney diseases, the risk factors of CNI-mediated nephrotoxicity in pediatric nephrotic syndrome, physiopathology and prevention of kidney disease progression.
She is actively involved to numerous international research clinical trials including the PodoNet (Clinical, Genetic and Experimental Research into Hereditary Diseases of the Podocytes), Autosomal Recessive Polycystic Kidney Disease Registry (ARegPKD), Autosomal Dominant Polycystic Kidney Disease Registry (ADPedKD), OxalEurope (Genotype/phenotype correlations in patients with primary hyperoxaluria), Genome-Wide Analysis in Steroid-Sensitive Nephrotic Syndrome, Genotype-phenotype associations in Dent disease, Non-invasive biomarkers of HNF1β nephropathy, the European Society for Paediatric Nephrology (ESPN) study of pediatric renal care in Europe
Dr. Prikhodina has served on multiple professional boards including the ISN Sister Renal Centers Program Committee, the Councils of the International Pediatric Nephrology Association (IPNA), ESPN, the Scientific Society of Nephrologists of Russia and the Russian Association of Pediatric Nephrology. She was a member of Scientific committees of the 16th-18th IPNA Meetings, 45th, 48th and 51st ESPN Meetings.
She won several international awards, including The Best Abstract (50th ESPN Meeting, 2017) and Poster Presentation Award (World Congress of Nephrology, 2003), National Grant of ERAEDTA (2006). Dr. Prikhodina’s publication record encompasses 225 scientific articles in Russian and International Journals and book chapters. With more than 199 citations to date, her current HIndex is 8. Dr. Prikhodina also has reviewed papers at several international journals, including Pediatric Nephrology, Journal of Nephrology, BMC Pediatrics.
Alejandro Ferreiro Fuentes
Alejandro Ferreiro Fuentes
Dr. Alejandro Ferreiro graduated from the Facultad de Medicina, Universidad de la República of Uruguay in the year 1991. Completed the Internal Medicine Residence in 1994, the postgraduate in Nephrology (1997), and the postgraduate in Health Services Management (2011).
He is Professor of the Centro de Nefrología, Universidad de la República, since 1997, currently occupying the position of Associate Professor (grade 4).
The research areas are mainly focused on:
1) Epidemiology and health-care planning for all stages of CKD and its complications.
2) Acute kidney injury: prevention, epidemiology, clinical, and long-term outcomes.
His scientific production has been published in books, review articles, reports, or complete scientific articles in regional and extra-regional indexed journals.
He was President of the Uruguayan Society of Nephrology, actually occupies the position of member of the Dialysis Registration Committee and delegate at the National Kidney Health Care Program.
Alejandro was President of the Latin American Society of Nephrology and Hypertension (SLANH), where he has held different positions: member of the Executive Committee of the Latin American Registry of Dialysis and member of the Acute Kidney Injury Group. He co-coordinated multiple educational activities with PAHO directed to raise awareness of AKI and CKD and deepen the knowledge about CKD of nontraditional causes. The activity of permanent advocacy and training in kidney disease in the last 10 years is highlighted, framed in the collaboration between the Latin American society of Nephrology (SLANH), the Pan-American Health Organization (PAHO) and the Ministries of Health of the countries, to promote the development of registries in dialysis and renal transplantation in Latin America. This activity has been carried out together with other members of the SLANH Registry Committee and has contributed to the initiation and/or consolidation of Dialysis Registries in various countries of the Region.
Alejandro has participated as a guest speaker, coordinator, member of the Scientific Committee in multiple courses, conferences, and symposia having given more than 200 conferences, both in Uruguay and in most Latin American and the Caribbean countries.
As a result of scientific-academic activity, he has been categorized into the National System of Researchers of the National Research and Innovation Agency (ANII), and has been academically accredited as a SLANH Fellow.
Shuchi Anand
Shuchi Anand
My research focus lies at the intersection of global health and nephrology. I believe deeply in Paul Farmer’s statement that “The idea that some lives matter less is the root of all that is wrong with the world.” As a first generation immigrant, I strive to apply the same rigor and depth I apply to the patients I see in my clinic at Stanford, to my clinical work and research initiatives abroad.
After completing my medical school at Washington University in St. Louis, internal medicine residency at Brigham and Women’s Hospital, and nephrology fellowship and Masters in Clinical Epidemiology at Stanford University, I received a K-23 to study chronic kidney disease in South Asians. In partnership with the Public Health Foundation of India, I studied prevalence, risks factors, and outcomes of CKD in urban India, and identified strategies for screening. I served as an Editor for the World Bank’s Disease Control Priorities initiative on rational and cost-effective health care policies for resource-constrained settings. I am investigating the chronic kidney disease of uncertain etiology epidemic occurring in agricultural communities worldwide, a research focus for which I have worked with the ISN to launch collaborative initiatives. I am the Nephrology Rotation Director for Stanford; three nephrology fellows I work with have successfully received grants to pursue projects in global health and international settings.
Angela Yee-Moon Wang
Angela Yee-Moon Wang
Hong Kong
Dr Angela Yee-Moon WANG, MD, PhD, FHKAM, FHKCP, FRCP (Lond & Edin), was graduated from the University of New South Wales, Australia and is a staff nephrologist and clinician scientist at the Queen Mary Hospital, University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong.
She is the current President of International Society of Renal Nutrition and Metabolism (ISRNM), Regional Board member of ISN, Council member of International Society of Peritoneal Dialysis (ISPD), Core group member of Asia Chapter ISPD, Executive Committee member of SONG Initiative and previous Executive Committee Member of KDIGO. She is a committee member of ISN-Advancing Clinical Trial and Subject Editor of ISN Academy.
Angela has chaired the ISPD Adult Cardiovascular and Metabolic Guidelines 2015 and was a workgroup member of Kidney Disease Outcome Quality Initiative (KDOQI) nutrition guidelinesin CKD 2020, ISPD Prescribing high quality PD practice recommendations 2020, ISPD-Global Renal Exercise group (GREX) exercise recommendations in PD 2020 and KDIGO – CKD-Mineral Bone Disease guidelines 2009.
Angela has received several international research-related awards including Joel D. Kopple Award 2018 of United States National Kidney Foundation, Travelling Lecturer Award of Asia Pacific Federation of Clinical Biochemistry 2012 and John F. Maher Award of ISPD 2006.
She currently serves on the editorial boards of JASN, KI, CJASN, NDT Theme Editor, Am J Nephrol, Nephron Clinical Practice (Associate Editor), J Renal Nutrition, J Diabetes, Kidney Medicine and Renal Replacement Therapy (Associate Editor), etc and is Editor-in-Chief of European Medical Journal-Nephrology. She was Associate Editor of AJKD and International Editor of CJASN previously. She chairs the Scientific Program Committee (SPC) of 40th congress of ISRNM 2022 and is the End-Stage Kidney Disease Theme Chair of WCN 2022 SPC.
She has published over 180 original articles, 13 book chapters and given over 120 invited lectures in international, regional and national meetings. Her main research interests are cardiovascular, metabolic and nutrition complications in CKD & dialysis & clinical trials.
Kirill Komissarov
Kirill Komissarov
Dr. Kirill Komissarov is Head of nephrology, renal replacement therapy and kidney transplantation department of State Institution “Minsk Scientific and Practical Center for Surgery, Transplantology and Hemathology”, Minsk, Republic of Belarus and associate professor of Belarusian Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education.
He received his MD from Minsk State Medical Institute, Minsk, Belarus in 1997 and completed his residence in medicine in 1998. He became specialist-nephrologist in 2004. Dr. Kirill Komissarov worked in nephrology unit at the 4th City Hospital, Minsk, Belarus in 1998 – 2006. He served as a consultant, the associate professor for The Department of Urology and Nephrology at Belarusian Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education, Minsk, Belarus for the period of time 2009 – 2019. He has been Deputy Chief Executive Nephrologist of Ministry of Healthcare Republic Belarus since 2018.
He did scholarships in nephrology at Amsterdam University Medical Center, Amsterdam, Netherlands (2003), Sir Charles Gairdner Hospital, Department of Renal Medicine, Perth, Western Australia (2019). Within ISN educational programs as a fellow he performed scholarship at Charite-Mitte, Berlin, Germany (2003), the Churchill Hospital, Oxford, England (2006) and Ospedali Riuniti of Bergamo and Clinical Research Center for Rare Disease Aldo e Cele Dacco, Ranica, Bergamo, Italy (2019).
His PhD thesis “The influence of different dialysis modalities on functional condition of myocardium in patients with end stage renal disease” from the Belarusian Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education, Minsk, Belarus was defended in 2006 under mentorship of Professor Valery Pilotovich. At present time he is interested in pathogenesis and treatment of IgA-nephropathy, chronic active antibody-mediated rejection in renal transplant recipients and complications of chronic kidney disease in elderly patients.
Kirill Komissarov has been an ISN member since 2012. He is actively involved in numerous ISN projects: member of NIS and Russian Regional Board of ISN, member of committee of Continuing Medical Education Program and Fellowship Program. He has been Center Liason Officer of ISN Sister Renal Centers Program Belarus-Germany over the period of 2013 – 2021. His Center won Schrier Award in collaboration with Prof. Klemens Budde in 2022.
He is a current member of ISN, European Renal Association, Russian Dialysis Society and Belarusian Society of Nephrology”.
Sunita Bavanandan
Sunita Bavanandan
Dr. Sunita Bavanandan graduated from the University of Queensland Australia in December, 1991. She obtained her qualifications as a Member of the Royal College of Physicians United Kingdom in 1997 and became a Fellow of the Royal College of Physicians Edinburgh in 2007. From 2003-2004 she obtained further training at the Leicester General Hospital, United Kingdom. Special interests are in Chronic Kidney Disease, Hypertension, Diabetic Kidney Disease and Peritoneal Dialysis.
She has been a member of several Malaysian Guidelines Development Committees including CPG on Management of Hypertension ( 3rd to 5th editions), CPG on Management of Chronic Kidney Disease in Adults ( 1st and 2nd editions) and CPG for the Management of Heart Failure 2019.
She contributes as an editor/author for chapters in the Malaysian Dialysis & Transplant Registry and the Malaysian Registry of Renal Biopsy. She is a Member of the Southeast Asia Glomerulonephritis Network and is involved in setting up the regional Southeast Asian PD registry (PROMISE) .
She is the Past-President of the Malaysian Society of Nephrology and is the Head of the Department of Nephrology, Hospital Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
Talerngsak Kanjanabuch
Talerngsak Kanjanabuch
Professor Talerngsak Kanjanabuch is currently the Professor of Medicine, Department of Medicine, Chulalongkorn University, Thailand. He is also the Director of PD Excellent Center of King Chulalongkorn Memorial Hospital, Director of the Center of Excellence in Kidney Metabolic Disorders of the Chulalongkorn University, as well as the Secretary General and Executive Member of The Nephrology Society of Thailand.
The research interest of Professor Kanjanabuch includes clinical and translational science of peritoneal dialysis (PD) and glomerular diseases, especially PD- related infections and glomerular pathology. He published over 120 peer-reviewed articles and over 60 chapters to medical books on peritoneal dialysis. He received two young investigator awards from the Congresses of the ISPD in Montreal, Canada (2001) and Hong Kong (2006), the Jonas Bergstrom Best Abstract Award from the 13th Congress of ISPD in Mexico City, Mexico (2010), and the outstanding young physician award (2017) and the outstanding research award(2020) from the Royal College of Physicians of Thailand.
In addition to his academic achievement, Professor Kanjanabuch made an important contribution to the ISPD Asia Pacific Chapter and the development of PD in the Asia Pacific region. He has very active involved in Thailand ‘PD First’ Policy by organizing nationwide-training courses to certify PD nurses and PD catheter insertion operators, editing Thailand national PD guidelines, key performance indicators (KPIs), and Thailand PD newsletter as well as commencing many modules to educate PD patients and medical personnel, including animation and teaching VDO modules. He is the Representative Developing Nations of the Cross Regional Education and Exchange in Dialysis (CREED) Steering Committee and the Representative of Thailand, International Steering Committee for the PDOPPS, and Deputy Editor of the ISPD Asia Pacific Chapter Newsletter, responsible for preparing regular updates on clinical practice guidelines.
Narayan Prasad
Narayan Prasad
Professor Department of Nephrology Sanjay Gandhi Postgraduate Institute of Medical Sciences Raebareli Road, Lucknow-226014, INDIA
Hon. Secretary, Indian Society of Nephrology Member, South Asia Regional Board, Int Soc Nephrology Former Secretary, Indian Society of Organ Transplantation Former Secretary, Peritoneal Dialysis Society of India Former, Treasurer, Indian Society of Nephrology
Hyeong Cheon Park
Hyeong Cheon Park
South Korea
Hyeong Cheon Park, M.D., Ph.D., is a Professor of Medicine at Yonsei University College of Medicine, South Korea. He received both MD (1992) and PhD (2000) from Yonsei University and has been working at Gangnam Severance Hospital for the last 20 years. Currently, he is Director of Clinical Support Affairs and Vice Director for Research at Gangnam Severance Hospital, South Korea.
As a clinical nephrologist, Hyeong Cheon has actively advocated delivery of “Better Dialysis Treatment for All”. When he was Director of the Insurance and Legal Affairs for Korean Society of Nephrology (KSN, 2012 to 2016), he worked with the government and other stakeholders to improve reimbursement plans for dialysis and lupus nephritis patients. Thanks to his collaborative efforts, the Ministry of Health and Welfare permitted the first line use of MMF in lupus nephritis patients in 2014 and improved the flat rate pay system for hemodialysis therapy for economically underprivileged patients in 2021, thereby allowing them an access to improved dialysis care. He served as a member of the Technical Committee on Evaluation of New Medical Technologies and Welfare National Pension Reexamination Committee Medical Advisory Group for the Ministry of Health and Welfare.
When serving as the Director of the External Affairs and Cooperation for KSN (2016 to 2020), he promoted active interactions between KSN and Asian Pacific Society of Nephrology (APSN), Kidney Disease Improving Global Outcomes (KDIGO) as well as other national nephrology societies in the Asian-Pacific region. Such efforts resulted in regular Continuing Medical Education (CME) symposiums and Joint Meetings with both APSN and KDIGO during the annual KSN Congresses. He has actively engaged in these events, chairing and giving lectures in the ASPN CME courses and KDIGO Joint Symposiums to help educate young nephrologists.
He currently serves as an editorial board member of Kidney Research and Clinical Practice, the official journal of KSN, the auditor for Korean Nephrology Research Foundation, Chair of KSN Sarcopenia Working group, and KSN’s representative at APSN CME committee. He also serves as Honorary Secretary of APSN since March, 2022.
His research focuses on anemia and iron therapy in CKD, hemodialysis therapy, sarcopenia in chronic kidney diseases as well as utilizing extracellular vesicles for promoting kidney regeneration.
Liz Lightstone
Liz Lightstone
Liz Lightstone is Professor of Renal Medicine at the Centre for Inflammatory Disease, Faculty of Medicine, Imperial College London, and Consultant Nephrologist at Imperial College Healthcare NHS Trust Renal and Transplant
After a PhD/postdoc in Immunology, and with a longstanding interest in health inequalities facing minority groups with CKD, her research now focuses on Lupus Nephritis (LN) and pregnancy in women with CKD. She pioneered steroid minimizing regimens for LN, influenced global LN trials design, developed novel approaches to assess adherence, identified biomarkers of pre-eclampsia in women with CKD and founded the UK CKD and Pregnancy
national registry. Committed to ensuring the patient voice is heard, she is global co-chair of the SONG-GD initiative which aims to define core outcomes critical to patients and healthcare professionals. She has published extensively, contributed to NICE guidance in LN and pregnancy and co-authored the Renal Association Guideline on Renal Disease and Pregnancy.
She jointly manages a renal/rheumatology lupus clinic following >400 LN patients and established and runs renal obstetric and pre-pregnancy counselling clinics; her clinical advice is sought worldwide. She has promoted academic training in nephrology through mentorship and supervision, and built capacity in EU and beyond by training visiting fellows who have gone on to establish LN and Obstetric Renal Clinics back home.
Other Contributions to National and International Kidney endeavours – Co-Chair UKKRC Glomerulonephritis Clinical Study Group; previously on Renal Association Executive & recently chaired RA group providing evidence-based advice on shielding from COVID-19 for patients with autoimmune CKD. CI/PI on LN/C3GN RCTs. Advocate for women in nephrology and now elected Council member of Women in Nephrology. Service to ISN: regular contributions to WCN; 2018 ISN WKD: as Renal Association lead organized national conference on Pregnancy & Kidney Disease; advocated for and arranged open access for key articles on women’s health & kidney disease.
Muhammad Rafiqul Alam
Muhammad Rafiqul Alam
Dr. Muhammad Rafiqul Alam is the former chairman, Department of Nephrology and former Pro Vice Chancellor of Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujib Medical University, Dhaka, Bangladesh. He was born in 1958 in the Chattogram district of Bangladesh, graduated in 1982. He obtained fellowship in Internal Medicine from Bangladesh College of Physicians and Surgeons in 1992 and MD (Nephrology) from Dhaka University in 1995. He was trained in National University Hospital, Singapore and Manchester Royal Infirmary, UK.
He is the president of the Association of Physicians of Bangladesh, Deputy Chair/Councillor, ISN South Asia Regional Board, vice president of Society of Organ Transplantation, Bangladesh, Editor in chief of Bangladesh Renal Journal.
He is the former president of Bangladesh Renal Association and former Secretary General of nephrology, Urology and Transplant Society of SAARC Countries.
He is a fellow of American Society of Nephrology.
He received lifetime achievement award (gold medal) from Gonoshastha Kendra Bangladesh, Lung Foundation, Bangladesh and Association of Physicians of Bangladesh.
He attended many international conferences, workshops, CME, expert committee meeting etc. He has about 55 publications in reputed national and international journals. He is the editor of the books “Manual of Clinical Nephrology”, “Synopsis of Nephrology” and “Cases in Nephrology.”
Jolanta Malyszko
Jolanta Malyszko
I graduated from Medical University of Bialystok and received M.D. (diploma with distinction for the highest notes) in 1989. I did my residency and fellowship at Department of Nephrology and Internal Medicine (later renamed as Department of Nephrology and Transplantation with Dialysis Unit), Medical University of Bialystok, Poland. I am board certified specialist in internal medicine, nephrology, clinical transplantation, hypertension and diabetology. In 1995 I received Ph.D. at Hamamatsu University School of Medicine, Japan. I organized from scratch peritoneal dialysis program and outpatient hypertension clinic and later 2nd Department of Nephrology and Hypertension with Dialysis Subunit at the Medical University of Bialystok. From 2018 I became a head of Department of Nephrology, Dialysis and Internal Medicine, Warsaw Medical University, Poland.
My clinical training was performed at the Intensive Care Unit with Toxicology Center, Nephrology Department, CHU Rouen, France, Department of Nephrology and Rheumatology, Dusseldorf, Germany (EDTA-ERA scholarship), King’s College of London, UK, Ichilov Hospital, Tel Aviv, Israel. I am European Specialist in Clinical Hypertension. In January 2007 I became FASN, in 2013 -FERA and in 2023 FISN. I am a Secretary General of the Polish Society of Transplantation. I was a member of ERA-EDTA Executive Council (2015-2018), a member of the Executive Council of KDIGO (term 2018-2022). I am a current member of Executive Council of ISPD and ISN as well as Deputy Chair of Central and Eastern Europe of ISN. I was a co-chair of KDIGO Controversy Conference on onconephrology (Milan December 2018).
My major research interest are: onconephrology and biomarkers of AKI, cardiovascular complications in CKD, iron metabolism and anemia in CKD, I am author and co-author of over 700 original papers in peer-reviewed journals, over 200 review papers and over 70 book chapters including Oxford Textbook of Clinical Nephrology (2015) (IF ~ 1400, citations over 900 and h-index-48).