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Latest ISN Journal Editorial Selections

Kidney International® 

NAVKIDS2: A Lesson in Matching Outcomes Measures to Interventions  

The Randomized Controlled Trial (NAVKIDS2) of a Patient Navigator Program Created for Children With Chronic Kidney Disease  

These two studies evaluate a patient navigation program for children from disadvantaged backgrounds with chronic kidney disease (CKD), aiming to improve access to evidence-based care.  

While the patient navigation program did not yield significant quantitative improvements in children’s self-rated health, quality of life, or caregivers’ well-being, qualitative feedback revealed important benefits in care coordination, self-advocacy, and emotional support for caregivers, particularly during critical healthcare transitions.  

These findings highlight the feasibility and potential value of patient navigation programs for low-income and rural pediatric populations, emphasizing the need for tailored approaches that incorporate patient and family feedback to better measure and enhance the benefits of care coordination, empowerment, and self-management for families facing CKD. 


Kidney International Reports® 

Lower Parathyroid Hormone Levels Are Associated With Reduced Fracture Risk In Japanese Hemodialysis Patients 

This study examined the relationship between parathyroid hormone PTH levels and fracture risk in a nationwide cohort of 180,333 hemodialysis patients. 

Results showed that higher baseline PTH levels were associated with an increased risk of fractures, particularly hip fractures, while lower PTH levels corresponded with a graded reduction in fracture risk.  

The findings suggest the need for further research to explore whether intensive control of PTH levels could help reduce fracture risk in this population. 



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