
July 01, 2024

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We Want to Hear from You! Nominate ISN Leaders by July 12
Help shape the future of ISN! As an ISN member, submit your nominations for ISN president-elect and regional board deputy chairs/councilors.
Positioning Kidney Disease at the Forefront of the Global Health Agenda: Use and Share Free ISN Resources
Discover key recommendations from the recent international consensus published in Nature Reviews Nephrology and access valuable resources to join the advocacy effort.
What Does Kidney Health Mean to You? Defining Kidney Health Together to Improve Patient Resources - Take the ISN Survey!
Share your definitions of 'kidney health' to ensure our patient resources remain relevant and practical.
ISN Sister Renal Centers Partnership in Action: Improving Kidney Care in Nigeria
The Usmanu Danfodiyo University Teaching Hospital and surrounding region have transitioned from having no nephrology trainees to successfully training three, with six more in training, improving kidney disease management and patient outcomes in the area.
Mark your calendars: Upcoming events and deadlines!
September 4, 2024
Nominate for
the ISN Awards until
August 30, 2024
ISN Grant Programs:
upcoming deadlines