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Latest ISN Journal Editorial Selections

Kidney International®

Providing Environmentally Sustainable Nephrology Care: Focus in Low- and Middle-income Countries 

This article is part of the series “Green Nephrology: A Series of Mini-Reviews on Minimizing the Environmental Impact of Kidney Health Care,” a collaboration between Kidney International® and members of the ISN Emerging Leaders 2022 Program.

To help reduce the need for costly and environmentally detrimental kidney replacement therapy, the authors suggest emphasizing primary and secondary prevention of kidney disease and its progression and empowering patients to improve self-care.

They support using low-carbon dialysis methods and promoting kidney transplants, which can help low- and middle-income countries facing a high burden of kidney disease and a rising demand for dialysis to take the lead in sustainable kidney care.


Kidney International Reports®

Green Nephrology: Citrate, the Green Alternative to Heparin in Hemodialysis

The ISN supports environmentally sustainable kidney care, and according to The Lancet, heparin is a threat to global health.

The author searched available literature for alternatives to heparin regarding the external environment and explored the effects of heparin and its alternatives on the hemodialysis (HD) patient’s internal environment.

The author concludes that citrate with a calcium- and magnesium-free dialysis fluid and intravenous suppletion of calcium and magnesium is the green alternative to heparin in HD.


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