Since 2015, the ISN and the Indian Society of Nephrology have conducted a successful joint partnership to express their mutual commitment to the advancement of nephrology in India and South Asia. The partnership recognizes the growing strength of nephrology in India, giving India the opportunity to provide leadership and education in nephrology, both within India and for other South Asian countries.
The jointly supported granting programs by the ISN and the Indian Society of Nephrology cover but are not limited to the following: Fellowships, Sister Renal Centers, Educational Ambassadors, Scientific Writing Course, and CME.
- ISN – Indian Society of Nephrology Fellowships
Opportunity to train at a host center within India, either from another Indian center or from a center outside of India. A list of centers and mentors can be downloaded here.
Application deadline: October 1.
- ISN – Indian Society of Nephrology Interventional Nephrology Scholarships
ISN has recently recognized some Interventional Nephrology Training Centers in each region of the world to provide training on vascular access and interventional nephrology. They are listed here.
Applications will open Summer 2024.
- ISN – Indian Society of Nephrology Sister Renal Centers (SRC)
The SRC Program helps improve the practice of nephrology by linking emerging renal centers with established centers of excellence. The Indian Society of Nephrology will consider to jointly support pairs while they are at entry level in the program.
Application deadline: October 1.
- ISN – Indian Society of Nephrology Educational Ambassadors
Through this program, centers can request a teacher or an expert to join them onsite for the provision of specific hands-on training for 1 to 4 weeks.
These trainings must be held within the South Asia Region and the Educational Ambassador must come from India.
Applications are open year-round, but must be submitted 3-6 months before the planned visit. Applications are approved by ISN Educational Ambassadors Committee.
- ISN – Indian Society of Nephrology Continuing Medical Education (CME)
This program brings essential teaching and training to doctors and healthcare practitioners in the emerging world. ISN selects and sponsors CME meetings focused on relevant aspects of kidney care.
These CME meetings must be organized in the South Asia Region and must be approved by ISN CME Program Committee.
Applications are open year-round but must be submitted between 3-6 months before the planned event.
- ISN – Indian Society of Nephrology Scientific Writing Course
This is a 3-day course given by experts in the field of scientific writing to help early-career physicians and researchers from a range of backgrounds and specialization in nephrology to improve their scientific writing skills, so they achieve the skills needed to publish their research work.
The course is organized by the ISN Clinical Research Committee.
For any inquiries, please contact isnprograms@theisn.org.